Monday, 23 March 2015

Book Reviews

Picture Book
Elmer is a patchwork elephant who is tired of being different. Taking matters into his own hands... erm, I mean feet-he makes himself look normal. But soon Elmer realises that everyone liked him just the way he was and that he's proud of being different.

In the Library under M

Chapter Book

August Pullman (Auggie to his friends) is not a normal 10 year old boy. He does everything a 10 year old boy would do and he acts like a normal 10 year old boy should. But he's not normal. Auggie has a condition which deformed his face before he was born, he's had 27 facial surgeries and he has never been to school. Despite this he has a loving, caring family and along the way he will meet friends and live through experiences that will change his life forever.

In the library under PAL

Written by Danielle Lomax :)

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