Monday, 23 March 2015

Book Quiz!

The answers will be posted with next weeks' quiz!

  1. Who is Bobs crazy best friend from, Hello, My Name is Bob?
  2. What colour is the little digger?
  3. Who is Lola’s older brother?
  4. What colour is Clifford the big dog?
  5. Who scares the Gruffalo?
  6. Who meets the three bears?
  7. What is the name of Winnie the Pooh’s donkey friend?
  8. What type of egg did jack steal from Jack and the Beanstalk?
  9. What Does the very hungry caterpillar turn into? 
  10. What animal suit did Max dress up in Where the Wild Things Are?

  1. How many books make up the Narnia series?
  2. Who owned a faithful dog called Snowy?
  3. Who said, "Nibble, nibble, like a mouse, who is nibbling at my house"?
  4. Who is the most capable female student, in her year at Hogwarts School?
  5. A limerick has how many lines?
  6. Anna Sewell wrote only one book, about a horse, in 1877 but it became a classic. What was its title?
  7. What was the name of the German boy in the novel The Boy in Striped Pyjamas?
  8. What type of animal was the only one mentioned in the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty?
  9. In what book by Roald Dahl did Mr Hoppy suggest to Mrs Silver that in order for Alfie to grow she should whisper the words teg reggib three times a day? 
  10. What girl was carried north to Lapland in a Gyptian ship?

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