Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Book quiz! Issue 2

1.How many heads did the monstrous watchdog of the underworld have?
2.What was the sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
3.Who was the giant groundskeeper at Hogwarts School?
4.Who is the evil Smurf wizard?
5.Who tried to avoid the terrible Cheese Touch from a moldy piece of cheese that had been sitting on the basketball court since spring?
6.Who was sometimes known as Padfoot in the Harry Potter series?
7.In which big European city did Madeline live?
8.Who split his soul into horcruxes?
9.Who was the American author who wrote Hop on Pop and Horton Hatches the Egg?
10.Who was the chief Roman god?

1.What was waiting underneath the bridge that the 3 billy goats Gruff tried to go across?
2.What did Angelina the mouse want to be when she was older?
3.Who lives down Donaldsons Dairy?
4.Who loves eating Marmalade?
5.What did the duck want to buy from the lemonade stand?
6.What colour is Thomas the Tank Engines friend Percy?
7.What is special about Elmer the elephant?
8.What are the colours on the Cat in the hat?
9.What is the colour of the ANZAC poppy?
10.What is special about Harry the dog

Answers from Last Week:
  1. 7
  2. Tintin
  3. The Witch From Hansel and Gretel
  4. Hermione Granger
  5. 5
  6. Black Beauty
  7. Bruno
  8. Horse
  9. Esio Trot
  10. Lyra


  1. Jack
  2. Yellow
  3. Charlie
  4. Red
  5. The Mouse
  6. Goldilocks
  7. Eeyore
  8. A golden egg
  9. A butterfly
  10. A wolf

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