Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Teacher choice book of the week

Image result for the miraculous adventures of edward tulane

This week the teacher choice book of the week (chosen by Mrs Costello) is The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo.

Rabbit Activity TO PRINT

Colour in your competition and drop it into G.A.T or the library page group after the holidays and the winner will get a prize judged by Skye and Danielle all entries must be handed in by the first Wednesday of term and the prize will be handed out on Friday during lunchtime.
Rabbit Colouring Competition TO PRINT

~The Biggest Kiss~
This cute Rhyming book shows how a little penguin finds all different kinds of creatures to see how they show love. 
"Do worms kiss underground, with the soil all around?
Do fish kiss like this—splosh, splash, splish?"
By Joanna Walsh & Judi Abbot
In the Library under W

Chapter Book
~Goodnight Mister Tom~
Goodnight Mister Tom tells the tales of William Beech. Set in WWII, Will is evacuated from his abusing home in London, where it is not safe to live anymore. When the weak, pale Will arrives in Little Weirwold he is taken in by the tough, middle aged Tom Oakley. This book describes the great journey of self discovery and recovery which lies before them. Along the way Will experiences terrible things which no person should ever have to go through.

"Powerful." -- -- The Read-Aloud Handbookby Jim Trelease

By Michelle Magorian
In the library under MAG

Book quiz! Issue 2

1.How many heads did the monstrous watchdog of the underworld have?
2.What was the sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
3.Who was the giant groundskeeper at Hogwarts School?
4.Who is the evil Smurf wizard?
5.Who tried to avoid the terrible Cheese Touch from a moldy piece of cheese that had been sitting on the basketball court since spring?
6.Who was sometimes known as Padfoot in the Harry Potter series?
7.In which big European city did Madeline live?
8.Who split his soul into horcruxes?
9.Who was the American author who wrote Hop on Pop and Horton Hatches the Egg?
10.Who was the chief Roman god?

1.What was waiting underneath the bridge that the 3 billy goats Gruff tried to go across?
2.What did Angelina the mouse want to be when she was older?
3.Who lives down Donaldsons Dairy?
4.Who loves eating Marmalade?
5.What did the duck want to buy from the lemonade stand?
6.What colour is Thomas the Tank Engines friend Percy?
7.What is special about Elmer the elephant?
8.What are the colours on the Cat in the hat?
9.What is the colour of the ANZAC poppy?
10.What is special about Harry the dog

Answers from Last Week:
  1. 7
  2. Tintin
  3. The Witch From Hansel and Gretel
  4. Hermione Granger
  5. 5
  6. Black Beauty
  7. Bruno
  8. Horse
  9. Esio Trot
  10. Lyra


  1. Jack
  2. Yellow
  3. Charlie
  4. Red
  5. The Mouse
  6. Goldilocks
  7. Eeyore
  8. A golden egg
  9. A butterfly
  10. A wolf

Author of the week Roald Dahl

Welcome to Author of the week ft Roald Dahl

1916 -1990 74 years old

Where he lived and what schools he went too. Llandaff wales (location) Cathedral St peters repton.

Jobs:Shell oil, RAF pilot in WW 2, Author.

Facts:He kept his books hidden for about 15 years. (He loves spiders)

A few of his books:George's marvelous medicine, The twits, The enormous crocodile, Fantastic Mr fox, The Complete of Charlie and Mr Willy Wonka Boy tales of childhood. And SO MUCH MORE.

More facts cause why not?: Favorite food Caviar, Fav color yellow, One of his daughters had learnt to drive by the age of 10.

Motto:My Candle burns at both ends
It will not last the night
But ah my friends and ah my foes
It gives a lovely light.

By Riley.l

Monday, 23 March 2015

Teacher choice book of the week

This week the teachers choice (chosen by Miss Lagan) is Baa Baa Smart Sheep
by Mark and Rowan Sommerset.

Here is a recipe to make your own lemonade to act out Baa Baa Smart Sheep with your friends.


1 cup sugar
5 cups water, divided
6 to 8 lemons (about 1 cup of lemon juice)

Measuring cup
Sauce pan
Knife and board
Lemon juicer

Make the simple syrup. Combine the sugar and 1 cup of the water in a small saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer over low heat to dissolve sugar. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from heat to cool.
Squeeze the lemons. Roll each lemon over your cutting board, pressing down as you do. This will help them to release their juice. Cut in half and squeeze. Repeat until you have one cup. You may not need all the lemons.
Combine. Add the cooled syrup to your jug, followed by the lemon juice and the remaining 4 cups of water. Stir. Taste and adjust: add a few tablespoons of sugar if it needs to be sweeter or the juice of 1/2 lemon if it needs more tartness.

Book Reviews

Picture Book
Elmer is a patchwork elephant who is tired of being different. Taking matters into his own hands... erm, I mean feet-he makes himself look normal. But soon Elmer realises that everyone liked him just the way he was and that he's proud of being different.

In the Library under M

Chapter Book

August Pullman (Auggie to his friends) is not a normal 10 year old boy. He does everything a 10 year old boy would do and he acts like a normal 10 year old boy should. But he's not normal. Auggie has a condition which deformed his face before he was born, he's had 27 facial surgeries and he has never been to school. Despite this he has a loving, caring family and along the way he will meet friends and live through experiences that will change his life forever.

In the library under PAL

Written by Danielle Lomax :)

Book Quiz!

The answers will be posted with next weeks' quiz!

  1. Who is Bobs crazy best friend from, Hello, My Name is Bob?
  2. What colour is the little digger?
  3. Who is Lola’s older brother?
  4. What colour is Clifford the big dog?
  5. Who scares the Gruffalo?
  6. Who meets the three bears?
  7. What is the name of Winnie the Pooh’s donkey friend?
  8. What type of egg did jack steal from Jack and the Beanstalk?
  9. What Does the very hungry caterpillar turn into? 
  10. What animal suit did Max dress up in Where the Wild Things Are?

  1. How many books make up the Narnia series?
  2. Who owned a faithful dog called Snowy?
  3. Who said, "Nibble, nibble, like a mouse, who is nibbling at my house"?
  4. Who is the most capable female student, in her year at Hogwarts School?
  5. A limerick has how many lines?
  6. Anna Sewell wrote only one book, about a horse, in 1877 but it became a classic. What was its title?
  7. What was the name of the German boy in the novel The Boy in Striped Pyjamas?
  8. What type of animal was the only one mentioned in the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty?
  9. In what book by Roald Dahl did Mr Hoppy suggest to Mrs Silver that in order for Alfie to grow she should whisper the words teg reggib three times a day? 
  10. What girl was carried north to Lapland in a Gyptian ship?

Author of the week - lynley Dodd

Image result for slinky malinki christmas crackers     Image result for Hairy MaclaryImage result for Hairy Maclary rumpus at the vet    Image result for hedgehog howdedo    Image result for hairy maclary and zachary quackImage result for dogs never climb trees lynley doddImage result for slinky malinki catflaps  Image result for a dragon in a wagonImage result for shoo hairy maclary