Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Book Quiz, Issue 3

(Answers for last week at bottom of post)
Senior Quiz:

  1. What was the name of the hyperactive, wayward and troublesome puppet, who after many incidents, matured into a responsible person?
  2. Who is Skulduggery Pleasants sidekick?
  3. What was the famous castle associated with King Arthur?
  4. Who was Percy Jackson's father?
  5. Who was Lyra's friend who disappeared in the first book of His Dark Materials trilogy?
  6. What was the name of Odysseus's wife?
  7. What novel was set in a desert penal institution for young offenders?
  8. Who had a son called Roo?
  9. What two colours make Wally’s striped pullover/shirt so distinctive?
  10. Who rescued Harry after his parents had been murdered?

Junior Quiz:

1.Who has a very low tum?2.Who was the short man who was determined to save the forest?
3.What did the Very Hungry Caterpillar eat on Tuesday?
4.Who is Millies best friend?
5.What did Sam try to feed to his friend?
6.Who tries t

o kiss Andy in Kiss Kiss Yuck Yuck?
7.What type of King is in Charlie Bone?
8. How many full bowls of porridge did Goldilocks eat?
9.Who is Geronimo Stiltons sister?
10.What type of animal tried to put Humpty Dumpty together again?

Senior Answers for Issue 2:

2. Charlie and the great glass elevator
5.Gregory Heffley
6.Sirius Black
9.Dr Zeus

Junior answer for Issue 2:

1.A Troll
2.A Ballerina
3.Hairy Maclary
7.She has lots of different colours on her
8.Red and White
10.He is dirty

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