Tuesday 31 March 2015

Teacher choice book of the week

Image result for the miraculous adventures of edward tulane

This week the teacher choice book of the week (chosen by Mrs Costello) is The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo.

Rabbit Activity TO PRINT

Colour in your competition and drop it into G.A.T or the library page group after the holidays and the winner will get a prize judged by Skye and Danielle all entries must be handed in by the first Wednesday of term and the prize will be handed out on Friday during lunchtime.
Rabbit Colouring Competition TO PRINT


  1. Interesting.
    Edward Tulane is a really good book. Miss Panther read it to the class last year (but I had all ready read it)
    I cried

  2. Interesting.
    Edward Tulane is a really good book. Miss Panther read it to the class last year (but I had all ready read it)
    I cried
