Friday, 1 December 2017


Yesterday Mamaku 2 and Mamaku 1 Yr 6's went to Shantytown.
It was really fun, and we had to change from our school clothes to old time clothes. It was funny because all the tourist were taking photos of us posing. We went on the train and Angelina got given gold to hide. After we got off the train someone 'robbed' us. 

After that we went and had lunch!

We also had to do a courtcase. I was a reporter. It was really fun, and Jane was innocent!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Here are some photos! 

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Summer Learning Journey

The Summer Learning Journey

This is a free reading and writing programme for all Year 4-8 students at Grey Main School.
Log onto the website Summer Learning Journey to register for a summer of awesome blogging where you can earn points for each activity you complete.
The top bloggers in the school will be rewarded with great prize packs.